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The producers wish to thank

the following people and agencies

for helping make this film possible





Juan & Alicia Betteo

Marilyn Larson

Lillian and Bill Schuster

Joseph Holzer

Keith & Verónica Amdall

Steven & Jackie Moats

Greg & Deborah Sanders

Brava Theater

Café La Boheme

Magaly Fernandez

Ida’s Catering

Rose Arrieta

Ani Rivera

Jos Sances

Joan Krukewitt

Damian Trujillo

Celina Rodriguez

Tanya Marie Vlatch

Lorraine Garcia-Nakata

Stacie Powers

Juliana Mojica

Richard Bermack

Nancy Van Zwalenburg

Dimitri Charalambous

Peter Maravelis

Karen Larsen

San Francisco General Hospital

College of San Mateo

Marilyn Lawrence

Linda Wilson

Acción Latina/El Tecolote Newspaper

Causa Justa/Just Cause

Philz’ Coffee

Galeria de la Raza

St. Mary’s Pub

Project Artaud

Dale Erickson

Esta Noche Night Club

Eric Quesada Cultural Center

Radio Havana

Harvey Yaw 

Fuad Aleyh

Anthony Holdsworth

Winnie Wong

Alejandro Urgell

Brooke Oliver

Ducey Productions

Fantasy Clothing Company

Foxy Lady Boutique

LA Camera Rentals

Momentous Insurance 

Studio B Films

The Little Giant Lighting & Grip Company

Up & Down Signs

San Francisco Film Commission

San Mateo County Film Commission

San Francisco Police Department

City of Pacifica

City of Daly City


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